2025 Hypothermia Prevention Shelter
Holy Comforter will host a one-week Hypothermia Prevention Shelter from Sunday, March 2 to Sunday, March 9. In partnership with FACETS, our Community Hall will host 40+ guests who live and work without a home. Once again, our parish will provide a warm place to sleep and nourishing meals.
Personal Supply Donations
Our shelter will offer much needed personal supplies—toothpaste/brushes; deodorant; socks (new); underwear (new); gloves/hats (new or gently used); soap/shampoo, etc.; Smart Trip cards; and gasoline cards. A bin to drop off supplies will be in the Narthex.
Monetary Contributions Needed!
Donate much needed funds to support our guests for Metro Smart Trip Cards and other needed supplies. To support the shelter click on the button below and select “Hypothermia Shelter” from the Fund dropdown menu.
We need your help to make meals, serve meals, greet guests, and provide pick up and drop off services in the FACETs van. To volunteer, please sign up below.
All Holy Comforter volunteers for the Hypothermia Prevention Shelter are required to complete the below FACETS Form.
Preparing Meals
Breakfast – Download breakfast menus by day with recipes.
For each breakfast service, we are seeking two individuals/groups to prepare breakfast. Recipes will need to be doubled per individual/group to support all our guests. Please note, Friday’s breakfast is store bought breakfast sandwiches for those who don’t wish to cook but would like to provide a meal.
Dinner – Download dinner menus by day with recipes.
For each dinner service, we are seeking two individuals/groups to prepare meals. You are asked to follow recipes as closely as possible.
To cook for guests, please sign up below.
Driving the FACETS Van (and those serving as riders)
For those who have agreed to drive our guests in the FACETS van, please complete the Driving Record Transcript Authorization Form and send them via email to Alex Graham by February 21.
Download the FACETS Van Driver/Rider Instructions.
Volunteer Orientation and Training Session
NOTE: A Zoom-based training session will be provided for all volunteers on Sunday, February 23 at 3:00 p.m.
Join the Zoom call HERE
Meeting ID: 849 0877 1352
Questions? Please contact Alex Graham.