

We empower youth to be fully alive in a life of love in Jesus.

We provide an inclusive community that grows spiritually through fun, friendship, and service. Our community offers an opportunity for young adults in grades 7–12 to meet new friends and enjoy the company of old friends in a safe environment while growing in their faith through participation in Youth Group, Confirmation, Sunday School, Mission Trips, and Retreats.

We believe in engaging our youth in all aspects of our worship and outreach to our community.

Confirm not Conform (CnC):

Confirm not Conform is offered on Sunday nights. It is a one-year program open to all 10th through 12th graders considering confirmation in the Episcopal Church. It is designed to help participants to take real responsibility for understanding their faith and its power and possibilities. Candidates can make the choice to participate in this program, and upon completion, can then make the choice to be confirmed.

Youth Ministries:

Our vision is to create a safe, inclusive community that grows in faith through fun, fellowship, and service. We see life as a gift from God and our faith as a guide to decisions that affect our heart, soul, strength, and mind. We provide the caring support of adults who encourage teens to take responsibility for their own lives and decide for themselves the values by which they will live. Our mission is to help our youth become fully alive in Christ. And from this desire all else will flow.

Youth Sunday School:

We endeavor to inspire our youth through example and study to be intentional in their worship of Christ, in a safe, supportive, small-group setting every Sunday from 10:35 to 11:30 a.m. All youth are welcome. Questions? Please contact Denis McMullan..

Middle School meets in the old library (1st floor)

High School meets in McGill Hall (2nd floor)

Middle School students follow The Teen Compass: Wellness Curriculum and The Story: Teen Edition Curriculum. We alternate curriculum each year to ensure all students have the opportunity to experience each one.

The Teen Compass: Wellness Curriculum provides an opportunity for teens to privately reflect on the way they are living in eight areas of wellness: Spirituality, Stress Resilience, Relationships, Rest and Play, Handling Emotions, Organization, School and Work, and Care for the Body. The youth will create faith and wellness goals for themselves and be encouraged to make the connection between their faith and the decisions they are making each day.

The Story: Teen Curriculum allows the Bible stories, poems, and teachings to come together in a single, compelling experience. The Story Teen edition sweeps you into the unfolding progression of the Bible characters and events from Genesis to Revelation. And like any story, it is filled with intrigue, drama, conflict, romance, and redemption. The accompanying DVD helps teens understand The Story more clearly through experiential leaning.

High School students follow the GROW Curriculum that helps develop four spiritual habits in older youth: spending time with God, spending time with others, knowing and using your gifts, and sharing your story. The curriculum is designed to encourage our students to grow in their faith and as young adults.

Youth Group:

The middle school and high school youth usually meet each month on a Sunday evening during the program year where the focus is on fun, friendship, and outreach. We kick off the year with a fun event that helps build friendships. In addition to enjoying great movies, bowling, and tubing, we also set aside several Sundays to help others, such as preparing and serving a meal for a shelter in Washington D.C. that supports women struggling with life issues. Every second Sunday, our youth serve the local community by helping feed men and women in Fairfax County who are finding it hard to find permanent housing or a regular meal. We also provide opportunities for youth to exercise leadership and responsibility in all aspects of church life, as well as many active roles during Sunday worship, including opportunities to be a regular reader. Once a year the youth are responsible for all worship roles including preaching at all three services.

Youth Mission Trip:

Our 2025 Mission Trip to Puerto Rico will be June 16–22. We will be seeking to serve those we meet and work in the way that Christ taught us. Our high school youth will engage in multiple local outreach programs, worship together, and experience the culture of this historic land. Please click below to learn more and sign up.

Vacation Bible School:

A week-long Christian-based summer camp for parish children and the greater community. Each year, Hogwart’s Vacation Bible School is based upon one of books in the Harry Potter series. The camp is typically held in mid-late June with a Diagon Alley Hogwart’s VBS Preview in lieu of Sunday School one Sunday in April. A large number of adult and teenage volunteers are needed to work as group leaders during the camp and for materials and prop creation in the months leading up to the camp. This an outreach project for the entire parish.

Hogwarts Vacation Bible School is scheduled for June 23–27, 2025.

Children ages 5–11 are eligible to participate as students. Teenagers ages 12–18 are invited to participate as Prefects. Registration will be accepted February 10 through May 19 or until slots are filled.

If you have questions about our Youth Ministry and/or any of our current offerings, please contact Denis McMullan.