

We connect with friends and members of Holy Comforter, young, old, and in-between.

We strive to reflect a vision of God’s Kingdom in the way that we live, for we know that our community can and should be an outward and visible sign of God’s grace and love that binds us together as human beings. Though we face many pressures on our schedules, and come from many different backgrounds, we all walk together in this wonderful journey of life and faith.

The community at Holy Comforter gathers together for various occasions and in various settings to celebrate our oneness in the Spirit, to nurture our relationships to God and to each other.

Game Night

Coffee and Fellowship Hour:

Volunteers make a pot of coffee and set up with cups, stirrers, cream, sugar, and a pitcher of water in the Narthex or under the tent for after services.

Episcopal Church Women (ECW):

All women in the Episcopal Church are automatically ECW members. Inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and with the grace of the Holy Spirit, the ECW unites women through worship, study, service, and fellowship. ECW members give of their time and talents toward the greater good of our church, our community, and our world. More than five decades of volunteer work at Pennywise Thrift Shop has enabled the ECW to provide financially for programs and ministries in conjunction with our volunteer efforts. Some of the programs and ministries subsidized by ECW are retreats, coffee hour, receptions, informative and inspirational programs, religious scholarships, discretionary funds for clergy, our pledge to CHC, Senior Saints, and a number of local, national, and international programs/ministries.

First Saturday Social:

Organizes an informal wine and cheese reception on the first Saturday of every month after the 5 p.m. service so individuals can get to know each other and socialize.


The French word “foyers” means a hearth or fireside, suggesting a small group, relaxed and open to one another. Foyers are not intended to do anything, but simply to be what Christians are: groups of people who gather together and “love one another.” Foyers are an extension of our existing church community. It is open to all adults (couples, singles, and widows/widowers) in our parish with the concept of caring, sharing, and growing to know one another.

Foyers is a wonderful way to get to know other parishioners. Many participants have formed long lasting friendships through Foyers.

The Foyers concept was introduced to Holy Comforter in the 1980’s. The groups were organized into six or eight adults which met monthly in the participants homes. Over time, meeting in people’s homes became more difficult for some. The solution was to form two types of Foyers: one which meets in homes and one which meets in restaurants. Participates in each small group determine when the group will meet: the day of the week and whether it’s for dinner, lunch, or brunch.

Foyers groups are organized in the fall and again in the late winter/spring. Participants stay in the group for three or four meetings. Then, new groups are organized with new people joining and some dropping out.

For the fall round of Foyers, all have to sign-up (no carry overs from the spring round). The sign-up period is now through October 20. You can sign-up in the narthex or by contacting Shelia Creswell.

Marathon Bridge:

Meets at 7 p.m. the first Saturday of each month starting in October and ending in May with a Kentucky Derby potluck. We encourage players—either solo or couples—of all skill levels to join and have fun and fellowship with party bridge. Hosting is rotated and substitute players are always welcome.

Men’s Fellowship Group:

Annual Men’s Retreat, and special events as announced.

Newcomers Team:

Seeks to coordinate our church’s efforts to greet, welcome, and receive those who are visiting for the first time, and to provide a support network to help prospective new members make Holy Comforter their new church home.

Prayer Shawl Group:

Shawls are created prayerfully, blessed by a priest, and then offered as a gift of love to those who are ill or bereaved. The pattern is simple. Shawls can be made individually, in small or large groups with fellow parishioners, at home or at church. Friends can join together in neighborhood groups or meet at the church to enjoy warm companionship while creating a gift for someone in need.

Senior Saints:

A group of seniors who gather at 11:45 a.m. the first Friday of each month in the Ministry Center for a brown bag lunch and a lively social time. The lunch is followed by a program that may be a lecture, music, sign-a-long, or maybe a game of Trivia. Senor Saints takes at least two tours to local attractions each year. There is no age restriction and no membership fee.

Spring Tea:

The annual tea and fashion show for women and girls of the parish.

St. Catherine’s Reception Guild:

Members of the ECW provide receptions for the Bishop and any departure of a priest.