(from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.)
A week-long Christian-based summer camp for parish children and the greater community, each year Hogwart’s VBS is based upon one of books in the Harry Potter series.
Children ages 5–11 are eligible to participate as students. Teenagers ages 12–18 are invited to participate as Prefects.
We have a limited number of scholarships available. Please email [email protected] to apply.
All parishioners are invited to participate! Hogwarts offers something for everyone! We need volunteers with a variety of skill sets and interests—professors, actors, technical theater backgrounds, scene setters, teachers, artists, sewers, musicians, singers, administrative, crafters, chefs and more.
Please click the button below to view some of the volunteer opportunities.
For additional details and to explore how your skills and interest fit with Hogwarts VBS, please contact Linda Lee Malone. You’ll be glad that you did. It is a fun and rewarding experience for all—children, teens, and adults (you don’t need to have children to be involved)!
February 16 @ 11:15 am - 11:15 am