Saving Promise

Saving Promise

An estimated 43.6 million women and 37.3 million men in the U.S. experience domestic abuse during their lifetime. Additionally, 15.5 million children live in families in which intimate partner violence occurred at least once in the past year.

Saving Promise is a national intimate partner violence prevention organization founded by L.Y. Marlow, inspired by five generations of domestic abuse in her own family. Promise is the name of her granddaughter. Prevention of domestic abuse requires public awareness, professional training, policy changes and infrastructure development. This is what Saving Promise is all about.

Saving Promise

How can you help?

Members of Holy Comforter’s Gestalt Pastoral Care Ministry support CEO L.Y. Marlow and her important work in this field. At this time, we are looking for volunteers to help in two specific areas:

(1) Conducting online research to identify organizations that provide financial support for programs addressing intimate partner violence (also known as domestic abuse).

(2) Assisting with preparing grant applications (including copy-editing applications that have already been drafted).

If you feel called to serve this mission in these or other ways, please contact Norma Williamson.