Join us for a tour of Virginia Theological Seminary and lunch at Clyde’s in Alexandria. Virginia Theological Seminary is the largest of the accredited seminaries of the Episcopal Church. Founded in 1823, VTS prepares men and women from around the world for service in the Church, both as ordained and lay ministers. VTS offers a number of professional degree programs and diplomas, including a Master in Divinity, a Master of Arts, a Doctor of Ministry in Ministry, a Doctor of Ministry in Educational Leadership, a Doctor of Ministry in Christian Spirituality, and several non-degree programs.
Please sign up before May 20. The price is $45 per person, which includes bus transportation, tour, and lunch.
Please drop your check off in the Church Office, made out to Holy Comforter with “Senior Saints-VTS” on the memo line, and attach a note with your name(s) and meal selection(s): chicken, salmon, or ravioli.
The bus will leave the church upper parking lot at 10:30 a.m., and will return at around 3:00 p.m.
February 16 @ 11:15 am - 11:15 am