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Rector’s Book Discussion (Part 2): Finding the Middle Way in a Polarized World

August 13 @ 11:15 am - 12:30 pm

(3 Consecutive Sundays: August 6, 13, and 20, in the Ministry Center or on Zoom)

Join the Rector in the Ministry Center or on Zoom after the 10:00 a.m. service for a discussion focusing on portions of three texts that give us fresh paths for conversation that goes beyond the tired stereotypes and labels.

No need to purchase all three books! The chapters are available for download below.

Part 1 (Aug. 6): Please read Chapter 12 of The Righteous Mind. In his remarkable research on morals and values, developmental psychologist Jonathan Haidt reveals how those who consider themselves either conservative, liberal, or libertarian all value the same things. What distinguishes each person though, is the heavier emphasis on certain values. When we see the values of each as leaning into the same values, but weighing some values more heavily than others, there is suddenly a space for common ground and learning.

Download Chapter 12 of The Righteous Mind HERE.

Part 2 (Aug. 13): Please read Chapter 5 of A Theory of Everything. We will explore author Ken Wilber’s attempt to map consciousness as a means of understanding human societies. Wilber reveals the need for each social developmental level: One of the mistakes we make is when we get to a new level of consciousness, we think we have the right answers, when we still have more work to do! We will examine Wilber’s developmental model.

Download Chapter 5 of A Theory of Everything HERE.

Part 3 (Aug. 20): Please read Chapter 8 of The Happiness Hypothesis. We return to a different book by Jonathan Haidt who’s research comes to some conclusions the church and religions have known all along: we are social creatures who do best in relationships not only with others but also in relationship to divinity and awe.

Download Chapter 8 of The Happiness Hypothesis HERE.

“Each of these texts has helped me reclaim what I knew to be deeply true already: we are not that far apart from each other as many media voices and political campaigns have sought to convince us. As Episcopalians Christians, we have often sought the middle way and have been called a ‘Via Media’ (Middle Way) faith. Let us reclaim our unique position as a charism.” –The Rev. Jon Strand, Rector

The books can be ordered via Kindle or Amazon Smiles. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to Church of the Holy Comforter whenever you click and shop HERE. Please share the link!

For those joining the discussion on Zoom, the link is provided below.


August 13
11:15 am - 12:30 pm

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