Five Thursdays in Lent: February 23, March 2, 16, 23, and 30 in the Ministry Center. You do not have to attend all 5 sessions. Registration recommended but not required.
6.30 p.m. Soup and Bread
7:00–8:00 p.m. Book Discussion
In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus is asked: “And who is my neighbor?” His response is to tell a story. This Lent, we are all invited to read a story—the story of a boy named Demon Copperhead. In this novel by Barbara Kingsolver, we are invited to recognize the humanity of people we seldom think about.
Lent is a time of self-examination for us as individuals and as a Christian community. Reading this novel gives us an opportunity to examine how we are seeing or not seeing, treating or mistreating by indifference and unintentional impact, our neighbors.
Barbara Kingsolver, an accomplished novelist, uses the template of Charles Dickens’ beloved novel “David Copperfield” and sets it in southwestern Virginia. Because she lives and works there, she offers a fresh take on Appalachian culture and the effects of economic inequality on our fellow Virginians.
February 8 @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
February 9 @ 11:15 am - 11:15 am