All are welcome in the Ministry Center for fun, fellowship, and food, including pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, juices, milk, coffee, and tea. Gluten free options available. Proceeds go to support Holy Comforter Youth Ministries and this summer’s mission trip to Puerto Rico.
Donations Requested: Every year we spend approximately $1,500 on food for the Pancake Breakfast. Can you help us reduce this cost by donating any amount $20, $50, $100? Please consider donating online below or at the ticket table in the Narthex on Sunday. Or sign up below to bring a food item or items. Bring food items to church on Sundays through February 4. Items can be dropped off in the Narthex at the ticket table.
Donations are also needed for raffle prizes! Connect Denis McMullan or leave prizes in our Church Office. Donate candy, cookies, kids toys, puzzles, books, wine, gift cards, nice clothing, tickets, electronic devices, paintings—almost anything you can think of! Thank you!
Tickets are on sale now ($8 per person, $25 per family). You can also prepay online below (select “Pancake Breakfast” from the Fund menu).
February 16 @ 11:15 am - 11:15 am