Day 4- Final Work Day with Irma

⁃ strength training workout at 7ish
⁃ only 4 people came though
⁃ relatively easy workout

⁃ breakfast: ham & cheese sandwiches (yummy!)

⁃ no lunch-making after breakfast: we are provided pizza for lunch!

⁃ morning prayer at 8:30

today’s goal: finish scraping/painting (mostly painting) house (current status: achieved)

⁃ no bad weather (i.e. humidity, lightning, heavy rain) during work this time! (only worrying about paint drying out from direct exposure to the sun)

⁃ enter new paint colors: white and peach

⁃ white was used for the window thingies; peach was used for some of the walls inside and outside the house to give variety in addition to silver (silver paint was our first paint color for the project)

⁃ “Nothing in this world is black and white. It is all gray!” - Me to Thomas while painting silver paint at the front of the house

⁃ lunch: pizza (3 kinds) + cookies and other stuffs ⁃ we achieved our goal at around 4 pm

⁃ final thanks from Irma, Danny, and the others for our commitment to the house and keeping them company for three days

Final Result

⁃ certain members of our 2024 mission trip squad randomly chosen received bread fruit (which is basically french fries in my opinion) as a prize

Breadfruit winners

⁃ departure at 4:40 ⁃ stopped again at Walgreens to pick up more stuff (10-minute stop)

⁃ dinner at 6 (pork, rice & beans, salad) ◦ smoky bonfire meeting at 8:30

◦ everyone went ahead and shared out a song they liked

◦ the end

– Owen