Day 1- Travel Day

Our group of youth and chaperones met at Reagan National Airport at 6:00 am – most of us still a bit sleepy but excited to head to Puerto Rico. After the regular airport processes, we headed to our gate and boarded our plane to San Juan. With God’s help, our 4-hour flight was uneventful with very little turbulence and we were able to sleep, read, listen to music or watch movies/tv shows on our devices.

Waiting to board
We’re riding in a 15 passenger van!

After landing in San Juan, we got our bags and Rev. Jon, Rev. Ann, and Carlos drove us to lunch at Bebo’s. We were a bit hungry, so lunch was tasty and refreshing. We had a variety of choices for lunch – from rice with beans to burgers. Puerto Rican food smelled and tasted great – so we are looking forward to eating it all week!

After being nourished, we got into our vans again with Carlos and Father Jon navigating through the scenic and winding roads toward our first location called Casa Cristo Redentor. Truth be told, we were all worn down a bit after traveling all day. It was nice to finally get here, have some down time, relax, and for some of us jump into the pool. Before turning in for the night, we had a light dinner and did compline and all were grateful to God for keeping us safe and healthy on this travel day.

Buenos Noches!


View from our accommodations