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Installation of Our Rector 2018

Who We Are

Transformation. Wholeness. Healing. Everyone is welcome at Holy Comforter!

You are welcome here because you are made in the Image of God. Our baptismal covenant calls us to respect the dignity of every human being. That means people of every race, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, citizenship status, socioeconomic status, physical or mental health, or other circumstances are welcome. As St. Paul wrote “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.”

In response to the love of God and the power of the Resurrection, we at Holy Comforter are called to be a source of transformation, wholeness, and healing for all within and without the parish community. As a Center for Wellness and Spirituality we offer programs and resources to support emotional, physical and spiritual health. We invite you to become an active participant in helping us build this community of peace. In God, we are a new creation and we will continue to follow where God’s Spirit, our holy comforter, leads us.

As Episcopalians we are a people of the “Middle Way”, a balancing between Catholic and Protestant traditions, taking the best of both. We are members of the worldwide Anglican Communion, committed to living out the reconciling work Jesus began. Our worship is deeply informed by the long tradition of Christ’s church and yet is creatively responsive to the changing world we live in.

Mission Statement

The Church of the Holy Comforter is called to help our community and world know the transforming love of God in Jesus Christ. We welcome all people into a generous Christian community where they may encounter God’s transforming presence in worship, be formed with others in the way of Christ through intentional formation, and be empowered to live out their faith through engagement in God’s mission of healing and reconciliation in a rapidly changing world.



The Rev. Jon Strand


The Rev. Ann Gillespie

Senior Associate Rector

The Rev. Jacqueline Thomson

Pastoral Associate


Susan McGuire

Director of Children’s Formation and Family Ministries

Victor Hernandes


Elys McLean

Director of Communications

Liz Bleich

Office Assistant

Tom Gadell

Facilities Manager

Peggy Miller

Parish Administrator and Treasurer

Denis McMullan

Director of Youth Ministries

David Boulware-Kelley

Minister of Music

Also at Holy Comforter


Nursery and Sunday School

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Middle School, High School, and Confirmation

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Formation, Small Groups, and Ministries

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