After the 11:00 a.m. service, come enjoy a catered BBQ Picnic and fun for all ages.
As always, this is the same day as the Bishop’s Visitation and Confirmation.
We will have a moon bounce and children’s crafts and activities! There will be no Sunday School this day so all can enjoy the picnic!
We will be continuing with our efforts to keep Holy Comforter “green” by using only compostable plates, cups, napkins, and utensils.
BBQ will be catered this year so there is no need to bring sides but if you would like to contribute, please bring a dessert to share. We will be under the tent in the front of the church weather permitting.
Bring chairs or blankets to sit on—extra seating will be provided. Dress casual, ready for fun.
Please sign up below to attend, help with setup and/or cleanup. No dish washing required!
There’ll be Bounce House, Face Painting and Crafts for Kids!
After the Parish Picnic, parishioner Margaret Bain will be offering a tour of grounds. She’ll be focusing on the Native Plant gardens and trees.
February 16 @ 11:15 am - 11:15 am